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Did you know that Asians, including Korean Americans are among the least represented groups in health research?

CARE stands for “Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders Research & Education”.

The goal of the CARE Registry is to connect Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to various types of research that may make a difference in improving the health of you, your family and future generations.

Please join Dr. Hye-Won Shin, Director of Asian American Outreach of UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND), and CARE Community Advisory Board member for the 1st CARE Registry Korean Virtual Information Session! This session will be offered in Korean. It’s FREE!

Date and Time

December 12, 2020 (Saturday)

10:30 – 11:30 AM PST

Register Now​


한국어로진행되는 CARE 레지스트리온라인세션에초대합니다!


CARECollaborative Approach for Research and Education첫글자들로이루어졌으며아시아계미국인과태평양섬주민들을대상으로연구교육협력방안을뜻합니다.

CARE 레지스트리의목표는아시아계미국인과태평양섬주민을다양한유형의연구에연결해서,귀하와귀하의가족다음세대의건강을개선하는변화를가져올 있도록하는데있습니다.

UCI치매뇌질환연구센타인 UCI MIND아시안아메리칸디렉터이며, CARE지역자문위원인신혜원박사가진행하는 CARE 온라인세션에참여하십시오세션은한국어로진행되며무료입니다.


일시: 2020 12 12
오전 10:30-11:30